How Will Clean Energy Benefit Me?
With the recent publicity of Earth Day, a lot of us are probably wondering how we can make a difference, and why we should make a difference. Become a part of the movement by integrating clean energy into your everyday life with solar power. We’re here to tell you how...
How to Save Money (and the planet) at Home
Whether you have solar panels installed or not, it is important to be proactive about minimising your household energy use. Not only will you be reducing your electricity bill, but you will feel good knowing you’re looking out for the environment! Here are some tips...
Poor-Quality and Unsafe Solar Panels Costing Australians Their Homes
The ABC recently published an article about the increasing number of poor quality and faulty solar panels being installed in Australia. You can read the full article here, or we’ve summarised the key points for you. The number of badly installed and unsafe rooftop...